It’s a preluding encore for fresh pair of eyes and ears. It’s the starting point for future managers cutting through corporate jargon with a fetish to capture keen business acumen. Future aspirations rest on this pivotal foundation that elicits total assimilation to reach as far as an inkling of convoluted process flows of business. Every organization invests capital and resources to conceive an elaborate training program that serves as a bedrock to survival in transpiring maze of holistic business practices. Depending on the organization, the period lasts for months or less and the new trainee with spring in strides and jaunty disposition sails through the ‘honeymoon’ break. Management suggests tweaks in the established training manual to reflect changes in a volatile business model. For the experienced who have survived the arduous and intractable terrain up the hill, it’s a gospel that can’t be undone. Rookies fresh out of college capture the basics with a keen desire to emulate its application in live models. The tight leash is let loose upon the culmination of scores of training sessions when the trainee is deemed fit for a rendezvous with clients with ringing concerns and a penchant for ready solutions.
QA InfoTech has a unique training program for an incumbent trainee. New hires are divided into groups on the basis of the month of their selection. The organization stands out among the rest with regards to its training procedure. Here training is not a sequestered activity with no imprints of practicality. On the contrary it emboldens its newbies to partake in running projects simultaneously under the guidance of the experienced. In a bold stand, unheard and novel the organization assigns live projects to the trainees depending on aptitude at the outset of their tenure. The trainers are shuffled from among experienced employees who once served on the other side of the dais. Years of experience, witness to a rigorous application of the basics consistently on a business framework gives them the wherewithal to share and impart to fledglings. The training period lasts for little over a couple of months, sharing ideas and discovering new vistas while treating pre-established norms and beliefs. The exchange sessions culminate in a presentation by new hires on a topic of their choice before esteemed gathering of the day. The trainees aggressively form teams and rummage shelves stacked with study material for topics of ease and affinity. It’s a spot test of their presentation skills along with value added over months of training and deliberation with those inspiring impromptu sessions. The training classes are scheduled conveniently on a weekly basis so that the concepts seep into the intuitive minds of the trainees. Trainees are encouraged to come prepared for each session and their understanding after each lecture is tested in a terse written examination.
The training sessions cover the entire domain of software testing disclosing the lingo and addressing the latest technologies involved in a rapidly transforming environment. The Training Manual is the mother of all documents for training purposes. Diligently prepared, it delivers the concepts, practices and focal points comprehensively on the subject of software testing. It is divided into six sections touching on the crucial subject of Test Automation which is redefining today’s industrial standards. For beginners it’s a start from scratch divulging into the purpose and do’s and don’ts of modern day software testing. Trainers head off into the vital Software Development Life Cycle which gives an overview of the models followed while testing. Trainees get a visual picture of the phases a software product passes through from its conceptualization to its final realization. It incorporates the technical knowhow required for a complete skill set of a tester. The concepts take firm ground in the testing psyche of the trainee with astounding revelation in a capture of a practical snapshot. The Levels of Testing deals with the types of testing processes involved in a suite of testing practices. Its application again is project specific. Testing Cycle deliberates the testing elements involved in a cycle, labouring on the concepts of use cases, test cases, test plan and a bug life cycle among others. Finally it also deals with the concepts involved in Localization Testing.
Today the organization is on a recruitment drive, expanding its workforce with the addition of multifaceted and diverse candidates including the fresh and experienced. Under such scenario a viable training program reflects the principles that the organization stands for. Its built in real time features helps the incumbent to witness the practical application of innate procedures involved in testing while the training sessions surface. This is perhaps the salient feature of a strategized training program, helping both the seeker and trainer. It is a platform to interact with fellow trainees, experienced folk and management and learn the basics in a congenial environment. It’s a forum to break the ice and be a part of the prestigious organization. QA InfoTech heartily welcomes all its new hires to write their own chapter in the annals of the esteemed organization.
QA InfoTech has a unique training program for an incumbent trainee. New hires are divided into groups on the basis of the month of their selection. The organization stands out among the rest with regards to its training procedure. Here training is not a sequestered activity with no imprints of practicality. On the contrary it emboldens its newbies to partake in running projects simultaneously under the guidance of the experienced. In a bold stand, unheard and novel the organization assigns live projects to the trainees depending on aptitude at the outset of their tenure. The trainers are shuffled from among experienced employees who once served on the other side of the dais. Years of experience, witness to a rigorous application of the basics consistently on a business framework gives them the wherewithal to share and impart to fledglings. The training period lasts for little over a couple of months, sharing ideas and discovering new vistas while treating pre-established norms and beliefs. The exchange sessions culminate in a presentation by new hires on a topic of their choice before esteemed gathering of the day. The trainees aggressively form teams and rummage shelves stacked with study material for topics of ease and affinity. It’s a spot test of their presentation skills along with value added over months of training and deliberation with those inspiring impromptu sessions. The training classes are scheduled conveniently on a weekly basis so that the concepts seep into the intuitive minds of the trainees. Trainees are encouraged to come prepared for each session and their understanding after each lecture is tested in a terse written examination.
The training sessions cover the entire domain of software testing disclosing the lingo and addressing the latest technologies involved in a rapidly transforming environment. The Training Manual is the mother of all documents for training purposes. Diligently prepared, it delivers the concepts, practices and focal points comprehensively on the subject of software testing. It is divided into six sections touching on the crucial subject of Test Automation which is redefining today’s industrial standards. For beginners it’s a start from scratch divulging into the purpose and do’s and don’ts of modern day software testing. Trainers head off into the vital Software Development Life Cycle which gives an overview of the models followed while testing. Trainees get a visual picture of the phases a software product passes through from its conceptualization to its final realization. It incorporates the technical knowhow required for a complete skill set of a tester. The concepts take firm ground in the testing psyche of the trainee with astounding revelation in a capture of a practical snapshot. The Levels of Testing deals with the types of testing processes involved in a suite of testing practices. Its application again is project specific. Testing Cycle deliberates the testing elements involved in a cycle, labouring on the concepts of use cases, test cases, test plan and a bug life cycle among others. Finally it also deals with the concepts involved in Localization Testing.
Today the organization is on a recruitment drive, expanding its workforce with the addition of multifaceted and diverse candidates including the fresh and experienced. Under such scenario a viable training program reflects the principles that the organization stands for. Its built in real time features helps the incumbent to witness the practical application of innate procedures involved in testing while the training sessions surface. This is perhaps the salient feature of a strategized training program, helping both the seeker and trainer. It is a platform to interact with fellow trainees, experienced folk and management and learn the basics in a congenial environment. It’s a forum to break the ice and be a part of the prestigious organization. QA InfoTech heartily welcomes all its new hires to write their own chapter in the annals of the esteemed organization.
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