Work culture imbibed by an organization deciphered in its bylaws is the cornerstone to its survival and success ushered onto the lips of its many employees. The standing organization is pivotal to the lives of its workforce who bring their own habits and idiosyncrasies to shape and enforce a culture. Deep down where ultimatums rule the roost there’s a race to reach the obvious end of the esoteric code before the protagonist signs off the deal and invests capitals in its culmination. It’s a tribute to those unsung heroes who bore the brunt behind the big idea and gave it wheels. Each organization epitomizes and strives for ideal working conditions for its employees to stoke character on the work front. They then reflect in the passion and commitment of an enthused hierarchy to make the business soar.
Fresh graduates with technical paraphernalia and those with modicum of experience swarm the destined gates of the organization for a place in the helm of its expansive work. Fleeting rounds of examination reach a crescendo with a one on one with the man himself. It’s a circuitous delve on the basics that lay the foundation of the testing framework making headway into the intricacies of software testing, the latter being too farfetched, inappropriate to pose before a candidate of probation. The aspirant then emerges through the hallowed precincts of the organization as an incumbent employee. People with diverse experience and background seek employment, standing at the outset of a complete transformation.
It’s a peaceful co- existence of man and machine stoking a quiet revolution. It is like an extended family where every member counts and is felicitated for their contribution. The vibes at office favour a congenial work environment. Working is fun with a friendly ambience, the wherewithal for unmatched gains. It leads to a platform for experts to work with passion and commitment in attaining goals.
It’s a motley crowd of the old and the new, some that saw the organization flourish from its nascency period. The experienced flaunt a new feather on their caps with each passing season laying the burden off their tried shoulders in grooming the new hires to the hilt. The intricacies of software testing are laboriously divulged over a period of time encrypted in tomes of dispensed work holding archives for posterity. The beginners turn functional assets in a wink and bear the mantle of consummated masters of yore. The newbies persist to make the grade as professionals under the rewarding and just ethos of equal opportunity and time to each one of its affiliates. Here the common ideology is a belief in teamwork. The organization manages staggering projects through a flourish of teams. It’s this charismatic ensemble that works miracles for the organization. Every individual in a team is treated as a well rounded resource, an institution of sorts that clip together to break through convoluted tasks. Ideas are encouraged with pride in accomplishments and a commitment to continued professional growth. The proud motto that drives this organization to better fortunes is that of promoting individual growth above all.
The team comes together for group activities, like a friendly discussion on touching matters, sports, or for lunch. Fun’n games turn to teasing tournaments, the toast of the season. Players in full cricket gear book huge stadiums for their own version of the popular IPL. Keen tussles cook up on TT tables for a packed audience as a part of local tournaments.
There is a relaxed dress code for all setting Friday’s ablaze with exciting hues. Working hours exhibit a strict sense of purpose along with moments of relaxed and merry tidings, letting go of nagging concerns and sharing on common grounds.
After silent conquer and comprehensive turnaround in ensuing projects, through intellect and tactful deliberation, the team comes around to cherish and celebrate landmarks, meticulously marked in a calendar year. Festivals are the mainstay of all such moments scattered profusely in the seasons of change, igniting religious fervour and devout faith in the purpose. Restricted holidays are marked intermittently as homage to the greats of this country, celebrating the advent of harvest season and the like. The big ones call for a summon in the evening lawns for murmuring moments of silent prayer followed by a zealous break into the festivities. It is time to reminisce the successes and benchmarks outrun in a strategic triumph given the kaleidoscopic business and its parameterized fluidity. The party goers break into song and dance without delay with a resounding beckon to all sheepish grins, cross legged and obeisant. Some jump in burning in futile trappings of inhibition and join the cavalcade while others enforce a voluble audience. The celebrations conclude with crowd requests for an encore and a final word of cheer and blessings from the mentors. The Annual Day is perhaps the next extravaganza celebrating year’s success amid challenges, manoeuvring business frenzy and calling the shots in trying moments. The organizers and management get down to the nitty-gritty of the planned event months before the set date and begin the countdown scripted in handsome mails to all and sundry. The recently concluded Cornucopia 2010 was a roaring success for a day of rejoicing and celebration of the company’s rampant strides towards becoming one of the big leaders in software testing. Birthday’s galore is the evergreen season calling for a round of plump cakes to make a special gift for the kindled spirit in the presence of well-wishers and coterie. Each one on his own lends a unique colour to moments of cheer and jubilation. Every landmark touched by an employee, be it completing tenure with the organization, or reaching a target vis a vis the project in contention, is celebrated creating a sense of belonging and jubilation in the camp.
The prestigious organization holds a transparent work culture. Its a celebration of its teeming employees who have steered the organization to the dizzying heights of prosperity in no time. It’s a working framework, tuned and equipped to a tee for its arduous climb up the corporate ladder on a journey that has yet to see its heydays. History has seen a blip in the horizon touched and propelled by its ever growing strong and committed force.
The Grand Odyssey unfolds through trammels of time.
Bon Voyage!
Fresh graduates with technical paraphernalia and those with modicum of experience swarm the destined gates of the organization for a place in the helm of its expansive work. Fleeting rounds of examination reach a crescendo with a one on one with the man himself. It’s a circuitous delve on the basics that lay the foundation of the testing framework making headway into the intricacies of software testing, the latter being too farfetched, inappropriate to pose before a candidate of probation. The aspirant then emerges through the hallowed precincts of the organization as an incumbent employee. People with diverse experience and background seek employment, standing at the outset of a complete transformation.
It’s a peaceful co- existence of man and machine stoking a quiet revolution. It is like an extended family where every member counts and is felicitated for their contribution. The vibes at office favour a congenial work environment. Working is fun with a friendly ambience, the wherewithal for unmatched gains. It leads to a platform for experts to work with passion and commitment in attaining goals.
It’s a motley crowd of the old and the new, some that saw the organization flourish from its nascency period. The experienced flaunt a new feather on their caps with each passing season laying the burden off their tried shoulders in grooming the new hires to the hilt. The intricacies of software testing are laboriously divulged over a period of time encrypted in tomes of dispensed work holding archives for posterity. The beginners turn functional assets in a wink and bear the mantle of consummated masters of yore. The newbies persist to make the grade as professionals under the rewarding and just ethos of equal opportunity and time to each one of its affiliates. Here the common ideology is a belief in teamwork. The organization manages staggering projects through a flourish of teams. It’s this charismatic ensemble that works miracles for the organization. Every individual in a team is treated as a well rounded resource, an institution of sorts that clip together to break through convoluted tasks. Ideas are encouraged with pride in accomplishments and a commitment to continued professional growth. The proud motto that drives this organization to better fortunes is that of promoting individual growth above all.
The team comes together for group activities, like a friendly discussion on touching matters, sports, or for lunch. Fun’n games turn to teasing tournaments, the toast of the season. Players in full cricket gear book huge stadiums for their own version of the popular IPL. Keen tussles cook up on TT tables for a packed audience as a part of local tournaments.
There is a relaxed dress code for all setting Friday’s ablaze with exciting hues. Working hours exhibit a strict sense of purpose along with moments of relaxed and merry tidings, letting go of nagging concerns and sharing on common grounds.
After silent conquer and comprehensive turnaround in ensuing projects, through intellect and tactful deliberation, the team comes around to cherish and celebrate landmarks, meticulously marked in a calendar year. Festivals are the mainstay of all such moments scattered profusely in the seasons of change, igniting religious fervour and devout faith in the purpose. Restricted holidays are marked intermittently as homage to the greats of this country, celebrating the advent of harvest season and the like. The big ones call for a summon in the evening lawns for murmuring moments of silent prayer followed by a zealous break into the festivities. It is time to reminisce the successes and benchmarks outrun in a strategic triumph given the kaleidoscopic business and its parameterized fluidity. The party goers break into song and dance without delay with a resounding beckon to all sheepish grins, cross legged and obeisant. Some jump in burning in futile trappings of inhibition and join the cavalcade while others enforce a voluble audience. The celebrations conclude with crowd requests for an encore and a final word of cheer and blessings from the mentors. The Annual Day is perhaps the next extravaganza celebrating year’s success amid challenges, manoeuvring business frenzy and calling the shots in trying moments. The organizers and management get down to the nitty-gritty of the planned event months before the set date and begin the countdown scripted in handsome mails to all and sundry. The recently concluded Cornucopia 2010 was a roaring success for a day of rejoicing and celebration of the company’s rampant strides towards becoming one of the big leaders in software testing. Birthday’s galore is the evergreen season calling for a round of plump cakes to make a special gift for the kindled spirit in the presence of well-wishers and coterie. Each one on his own lends a unique colour to moments of cheer and jubilation. Every landmark touched by an employee, be it completing tenure with the organization, or reaching a target vis a vis the project in contention, is celebrated creating a sense of belonging and jubilation in the camp.
The prestigious organization holds a transparent work culture. Its a celebration of its teeming employees who have steered the organization to the dizzying heights of prosperity in no time. It’s a working framework, tuned and equipped to a tee for its arduous climb up the corporate ladder on a journey that has yet to see its heydays. History has seen a blip in the horizon touched and propelled by its ever growing strong and committed force.
The Grand Odyssey unfolds through trammels of time.
Bon Voyage!